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If you're new to Capitalise, let us show you around

We make business finance clearer to give every business an equal chance of success. Our platform and on-hand specialists help show you how credit scores impact your clients growth plans and how to improve them. We help you find funding that better fits your clients needs. And help you to see risks to cashflow before they become a threat. 

Book in for a chat with us, and we’ll walk you through how Capitalise can help your clients access the capital they need, expand their business and get fit for business this year. 

Learn how:

  • You can get closer to your clients with shareable Capital Reports that help you to better lead your meetings 
  • You can spot risks and opportunities to your clients cashflow ahead of time with Monitor
  • To use our debt recovery feature that helps your clients resolve bad debts 
  • To use our platform that gives you access to different types of funding to help you find the best fit funding options for your clients growth plans

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The LinkedIn group exists to facilitate interesting conversations, connections and provide support with a range of relevant and on-demand resources for the wider accounting community to help them through the coming year and beyond.

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