Will the future of accounting software be about consolidation or innovation?
The last 15 years have seen some fantastic innovation in technology that services the accounting market. In an ever-changing industry with ever-changing client needs, it’s essential to look at where and when the next big thing is coming from.
We’ve assembled a panel of tech pioneers and industry innovators on the 25th of May at 10 am to put the question to them. They’ll discuss whether these new advances will pose an opportunity to the accounting industry or could be seen as a threat to the current ways of working.
Ollie Maitland, Capitalise Co-founder and Accounting Excellence Software Pioneer of the year 2019 (remember when we went to physical events), will be hosting the session.
Joining Ollie on the panel will be:
Oli Krishnan, Accountancy Partnership Manager at Starling Bank
Richard Sergeant, Managing Director at Principle Point
Helen Lloyd, Co-Founder and Head of Design & Marketing at Dext Precision
David Tuck, Entrepreneur and consultant (working with Connect 4 and World First)
Between them, the panellists have played their part in revolutionising the accounting space. Starling Bank introduced their referral partner programme to support accountants with their client's Business Banking requirements and their Toolkit which allows customers to manage their invoices, bills, tax, VAT + more from a bank account. True Layer brought innovation to the payment and open baking space. David Tuck has been instrumental in evolving the debt chasing industry. Principle Point has made connecting vendors, accountants and investors easier. And Xavier Analytics, now Dext Precision, has improved how accountants can clean, track and analyse Xero data.