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Check your business credit score

Only 29% of businesses strongly agree that they keep tabs on their credit score. And just 24% know how to improve it.

Capitalise has partnered with On The Tools to make understanding, tracking and improving your credit score is easy.


Your business credit profile, powered by Experian

Company credit check businesses you work with

Better fit funding from over 100 lenders

We've partnered with On The Tools to bring you all your finance insights

There are places you can go for credit insights. And places to look for funding. There are places where you’ll pay for advice. And places to track how your business is doing.

Now you found us through On The Tools, you can do it all, in one place, with Capitalise for Business.

Get started with Capitalise for Business

Create an account here for free and start growing your business

Do more when you track your credit score

  • Negotiate better terms with suppliers

  • Win more contracts with bigger clients

  • Access affordable funding with ease

  • Get ahead of risks and opportunities

HOW capitalise for business WORKS

Credit Profile
check icon Get full access to the information lenders will look at about your business
check icon Understand how likely your business is to get approved for funding
check icon Track the funding you already have and find out how much more you can borrow
Credit Report
check icon Check what your credit score is today and what that means
check icon Monitor the factors impacting your score, both positive and negative
check icon Find out how to improve your credit score and get support to do so
check icon Start a funding search of over 100 trusted lenders
check icon Find funding that’s a better fit from the most suitable lenders
check icon Apply to four lenders with one simple form and track all your applications
Run company credit checks
check icon Check the credit score of your customer, suppliers or competitors
check icon Get alerts on changes to your customer's creditworthiness
check icon Monitor your customer's payment performance

Find funding for your business.
Choose from over 100 providers.

Or give us a call on 020 8038 0475.


See what else you can do with capitalise for business

Check out these features

Frequently asked questions

A credit score is the measure of how creditworthy your business is. In other words, your score shows a bank or lender how much of a risk it would be to lend your business money.  The higher your score, the more likely it is that your business can pay back any debt, for example the repayments on a loan. Credit agencies each have their own scale for calculating your credit score. Our credit agency partner, Experian, uses the Commercial Delphi Score with scores that range from 0 (the highest risk) to 100 (the lowest risk). 

Your credit score is important because it’s a measure of the financial health of your business. Not only does it show your financial position today, but it can be the difference between a healthy and unhealthy position in the future. The higher your credit score, the more funding you can get to fuel everyday operations and ambitious next steps. Businesses with higher scores can negotiate better terms with suppliers and are more likely to win contracts with new clients.

Read more about credit scores and why they’re important here.

There are several factors that affect your credit score – both positively and negatively. These include how promptly you pay suppliers and whether or not you have any legal notices against your business. Your Companies House SIC code is also a factor and so is your filing history. Credit agencies will also consider the age, industry and location of your business as well as certain information about its directors.

The exact steps you need to take to improve your credit score will be specific to your business and the factors that are having a negative impact. But here are some general guidelines you can use to get started:

  • Pay your bills and suppliers on time
  • If you have several funding facilities with a few different lenders, try to consolidate them into one manageable loan from a single lender
  • Check whether your business is filed under the correct Companies House SIC code
  • File your full accounts with Companies House, on time and in the same month every year
  • Make sure your business and its directors stay solvent, avoid County Court Judgements and resolve any that are currently outstanding

Read more about improving your credit score here.

Your personal credit score measures how creditworthy you are as an individual. In other words, could you personally pay back a debt? If you wanted an overdraft on your personal bank account for example, your bank would look at your score to decide whether you’d be able to make the monthly payments. Your business credit score is a measure of how creditworthy your business is. If you applied for a business loan, the lender would look at your business credit score to decide whether your business would be able to keep up the repayments. 

You can check your credit score right now by signing up to Capitalise for Business. If you’re already signed up, you can check your score at any time by simply logging in.

With Capitalise for Business, you can access all your credit score insights starting at £19/month (plus VAT). Every time you log in, you’ll be able to see: 

  • Your credit score and how it compares to similar businesses
  • Factors having a positive, negative and neutral impact on your score
  • the credit information lenders will look at about your business
  • how many times third parties have searched for your credit profile
  • tips for improving your credit score