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Capitalise: the one-stop advisory platform for accountants

Raise, recover and protect your clients' capital

Paul Surtees Nov 29, 2021

We’ve known for several years that switching from pure compliance to high-value advisory work is the key to growth for most accounting firms. Becoming a trusted adviser means offering a wider range of services and entering into deeper, higher-value relationships with your clients. But how do you start this evolution? And where can you find the necessary support?


At Capitalise, we believe that investing in our Capital Advisory approach is the key to becoming your clients’ go-to adviser. We help you go beyond the numbers, so your clients can get their balance sheet match-fit. Build strength and resilience into your clients by helping them raise, recover and protect their capital – all through one multi-functional advisory platform.


Let’s explore how Capital Advisory works and the benefits for you and your clients.


Raise, Recover and Protect clients’ capital


Trust in accountants has risen over the pandemic, with a recent study reporting that ‘84% of respondents believe chartered accountants have the skills and expertise to make businesses thrive today’. But to drive this, you need to help them be in control of their capital.

Our Raise/Recover/Protect methodology sits at the heart of the Capital Advisory concept, helping your clients to raise capital, strengthen their balance sheets and drive growth. 

By bringing your accounting expertise and commercial knowledge to the table, you can make a tangible difference to each client’s success. And with Capitalise as your foundational advisory platform, you have all the lending channels, finance specialists and expert support that’s needed to manage clients’ capital – hassle-free and available to you online.

1. Raising capital

For clients to run their operations, act on new business opportunities or achieve their growth potential, they need enough finance and working capital to meet these goals. We make it easier for businesses to find the best possible routes to finance and external funding.

Where your firm can add tangible value is in helping clients to draw up a workable funding strategy. You can then connect them with the most suitable funding providers and access the loans, finance facilities and grants that will provide that capital.

Our Marketplace of 100+ lenders makes it a breeze to find the most appropriate lenders and the right finance products – whether its invoice finance, asset finance or working capital facilities. 

2. Recovering capital

Raising capital is important, but to keep companies in a positive capital position, you also need to have a clear overview of their debt situation and any bad debts that need to be recovered. 

Our partnerships with debt recovery specialists gives you a direct route to legal expertise and a tried-and-trusted approach to recovering debt. As a Capitalise partner, you can quickly and efficiently work with debt recovery experts to apply legal pressure to debtors, and overcome disputes and payment challenges.

Our debt recovery and dispute resolution Our debt recovery and dispute resolutionservices escalate bad debts and resolve clients’ payment issues – recovering that capital and strengthening their finances as a result.

3. Protecting capital

When clients are sitting on significant cash reserves this is clearly good news for their financial security. But what happens to these cash reserves if inflation impacts on the overall operating costs? Or if the business experiences an unprecedented long-term drop in revenues, as we’ve seen over the course of the pandemic? 

To protect a client’s money in these situations your firm needs the best possible oversight of the client’s cash management and their corporate investment strategy.

Our Monitor client intelligence tool integrates with your online accounting software to bring you a real-time overview of each client’s financial position. Armed with these insights, you can anticipate risks and opportunities in your portfolio. 

Learn: CPD-certified online learning for your team

One key barrier to becoming an efficient advisory practice is the need to upskill and retrain your partners and staff. At Capitalise, we offer online learning to make upskilling as easy as possible.

Learn is our extensive online learning system, offering three levels of Capital Advisory training to get you and your team up to speed with the basic and more advanced principles. Move through the Core, Advisory and Mastery modules at your own pace, and earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points along the way to boost your staff’s professional skills.


One platform for all your Capital Advisory needs

If one of your firm’s goals for 2022 is to expand your high-value advisory services, Capitalise is the only platform you need. We’ll help you raise, recover and protect your clients’ capital, with expert support from our Partner Manager team and our network of financial specialists.

Change can be a challenge for any firm. But we have the onboarding skills, the learning resources and the software tools to help you put Capital Advisory at the very heart of your firm. 

Our free ‘Capital as an advisory service’ guide explains how to strengthen your firm's services with Capital Advisory and support your clients throughout their business journey.

Download your FREE guide.

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