Who is TRIVER?

TRIVER is a London based business lender. Set up in 2023, they are dedicated to empowering business with access to the financial tools they need to thrive. By leveraging their cutting-edge technology, TRIVER provides instant access to short term capital.

What financial products do TRIVER offer?

Managing cash flow is a significant challenge for UK small businesses, with average payment terms of 55 days. TRIVER addresses this issue by enabling small businesses to convert their client invoices into immediate cash flow. This provides a flexible, cost-effective solution for funding working capital needs, without incurring new debt.

Selective invoice finance

TRIVER offers a fast, selective invoice finance solution, allowing small businesses to leverage their unpaid client invoices. This facility lets you advance client invoices as needed, up to your facility limit, with payments only for what you use. Unlike invoice factoring, you can choose which invoices to advance, and the use of the facility remains invisible to your clients.

Here are the key features:

  • Borrowing limit up to 20% of turnover
  • Borrow up to £250,000 
  • Simple and transparent pricing
  • No personal guarantee, no security required
  • No impact on your credit score
  • Can be used alongside other business loans

Applying for a TRIVER facility

Applying for a TRIVER facility is straightforward and hassle-free, with no paperwork or personal guarantees required. Here’s the documents you would need to provide:

  • Provide details about you, the applying Director, and your company
  • Securely connect your company's bank account via Open Banking (read-only access)
  • Provide name, address, and date of birth of your company Directors
  • Upload a photo of your ID document (driver's licence, passport)

TRIVER: a case study

Recently, at Capitalise we assisted a wholesale media company in accessing the capital needed for rapid growth.

Faced with the opportunity to acquire another company, the business lacked the working capital to expand quickly. After applying for a loan with Capitalise, our expert funding specialists idenitifed the business could be elgibile for TRIVER facility. Within a couple of days the business had access to a TRIVER facility of £153,000, secured against their selected invoices. This enabled the business to take over the other company successfully, ultimately saving 20 jobs.

What could your business achieve with a quick injection of capital?
Start a search for funding today to see how much you could be eligible to borrow with TRIVER through Capitalise.

Compare TRIVER and other lenders instantly with Capitalise

With Capitalise, you can easily compare TRIVER with other lenders to find the best funding solution for your business. Our streamlined process allows you to:

  • Submit a single application to reach multiple lenders.
  • Work with a dedicated funding specialist to find the right solution quickly and efficiently.

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